Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Power of the Pen

It is said that a pen is more powerful than a sword. It can help someone succeed, or get them dragged through the dirt. It can open doors or slam them shut.
Huge revolutions have been started based on some literary works -- with millions slaughtered. Nations have been created and torn down. Countless wars have been and are being fought on the basis of certain books. Religions and cults are based on writings, and so are the conflicts between them.

The written word seems to be a double-edged blade. It can cut either way. What freedoms and responsibilities does a writer carry? Where does the freedom of expression end and personal responsibility start? What consequences must a writer be aware of?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our History and Future Generations

Writing has always been the easiest and most reliable way for generations to pass on their legacy and to understand and research the past. Scrolls from agent times, letters from ordinary people, Grandmother’s diary, church records, chronicles, etc. What would we actually know about our past without all these records?

These historic writings were often recorded by monks and historians. There exist also lots of highly valuable records written by regular citizens. Even letters and diaries, which may not have been intended to serve as historical records, help us to understand the past.

But what are we creating nowadays? What legacy will we leave behind us? Newspaper articles, blogs and rants on the Internet, forum posts? How much of that is accurate? How much of it is unbiased? And above all, what picture will it pass on to future generations?


What is this blog all about?

I started this blog as a tool to think -- on "paper".

But why just questions?

Because that's where it all starts. To get your answer, you first need to ask yourself the right questions. That often sounds easier than it actually is. You can get all hung up on finding "the answer", but never asked yourself if you're actually looking in the right place. In other words, am I asking the correct questions?

Why not just jump to the answer?

We're used to getting everything served on a silver platter. The media will chew and predigest everything for us. We don't stop to question anything anymore. Critical thinking has ended up in the background -- almost disappeared.

I encourage all readers to comment with their different points of view. To ask the right questions and present their own conclusions.

Disclaimer: Commas, dots, spelling, grammar and everything else you hated in school...

I know my writing isn't on a professional level, nor is it what this blog is all about. Want to get hung up on technicalities, take it up with your professor instead :-)

Thank you!